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Senin, 06 Mei 2013

Kota Tua or Old Town Jakarta

Hello readers..
In this post I would like to share a story to you about my traveling with my mom..
Yesterday, 5th May 2013 in the morning my mom asked me to accompany with her to walk around Jakarta city.. then, I took her to Old Town Jakarta or we known as Kota Tua..
Kota Tua is a small area in Jakarta, Indonesia. It also known as Old Jakarta and Old Batavia. It spans 1.3 square kilomteres of North Jakarta and West Jakarta. This area is one of many place that will be destination by tourists. Around the area, there are museums such as Museum of Bank Indonesia, Museum Fatahilah/Museum Jakarta, Museum Wayang etc.. you can get information about Old Jakarta in here.

Okay, I will share my traveling with my mom.. start from our house located at Pisangan Lama, East Jakarta Rawamangun, we took Traditional Transportation or we called it "angkot" 02 toward to Jatinegara Station..
from Jatinegara station, we bought two Comuterline tickets destination Jakarta Kota, it prices Rp 7.500/ticket
after we arrived at Jakarta Kota Station, we walked to our first destination, Bank Indonesia Museum.. you can get information about Museum of Bank Indonesia in here. After we visit Museum of Bank Indonesia, we go to the next destination, Museum Fatahilah or it also known as Museum of History Jakarta.
For you information, I have been training guide in this Museum Fatahilah, and on that day, it was my turn to guide my mom to surround Museum Fatahilah.. after we walked around the museum, I felt something strange that there was a missing place.. the place was the underground prison that inundated by water..
I clearly remembered that there were an underground prison inundate by water, but when I came last day, the prison was gone.. I can't found that prison.. okay, forget about that prison, back to the story :p

after we walked around the museum Fatahilah, our next destination is Museum Wayang. Museum Wayang is a museum dedicated to Javanese wayang puppetry. The museum is located in west side of Fatahilah Square, near Jakarta History Museum and Fine Art and Ceramic Museum. Well, you can get information about Wayang Museum in here. In this Museum, I interested to the Jan Pieterszoon Coen's Statue which mark his grave.. yes, there are a grave in the Wayang Museum, and not just that, there are more beautiful statue in this wayang museum.. but it's very sadness to see that many people who don't know about this information :(

yeaah, back to the story, after we visited Wayang Museum, me and my mom walked around the park XD
and we rent an Ontel and ride it to walked around the park, it was much fun! the area was crowded by tourist, the event, and the bazaar.. so excited! after that, we go home :)
I hope I can visit that museums again..

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